Functional Movement Screen

£75 The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a screening tool used to evaluate seven fundamental movement patterns. The screen is designed to place an individual in extreme positions where movement…

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Running Assessment Central Therapy running assessments allow you to capitalise on our experience in elite athletics. We will complete performance testing based on evidenced movement & strength markers that are…

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Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
Man bending forward in physical therapy centre, woman supervising, surface view

Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

A hands on approach to remedying pain and injury. During the initial consultation diagnostic assessments are performed and movement patterns screened that may contribute to reduced function and pain. Treatment…

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Personal Training

Whether your goal is to lose weight and feel healthier, move better, or build strength, we can help guide to where you want to be. Through a tailored, goal orientated,…

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Sports Massage

Sports massage (Soft Tissue Therapy) can be a useful treatment for a wide range of people. It utilises a range massage and manual therapy techniques to manipulate the musculoskeletal and…

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