Our Services

Central Therapy

West Bridgford, NG2 7PP
Melton Mowbray, LE13 1XA Lowdham, NG14 7AD

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Running Assessment

Central Therapy running assessments allow you to capitalise on our experience in elite athletics. We will complete performance testing based on evidenced movement & strength markers that are related to running performance and injury risk.

This information will then be processed & analysed, with follow up ranging from expert advice on areas for improvement, to structured training plans with re-testing.

Check out the options below:

Bronze – £75

Movement Screening

Strength Capacity Testing

Breakdown of results

  • Strengths
  • Areas for improvement and why

Breakdown of exercise suggestions

Silver – £104

Movement Screening

Strength Capacity Testing

Breakdown of results

  • Strengths
  • Areas for improvement and why

Structured 12 week progressive training plan + Central Therapy Running Wellness e-book

  • Areas for improvement and why

Gold – £199

Screening and Results

Breakdown of results

  • Strengths
  • Areas for improvement and why Breakdown of exercise suggestions

Structured 12 week progressive training plan + Monthly testing to monitor progression and optimise sessions + Central Therapy Running Wellness e-book

  • Optimize recovery, mobility, sleep & nutrition.

+ Central Therapy Running guide to drills

  • Improve technique to increase performance and economy.

Platinum Marathon Package

For people who are serious about

Running Screening:

– Movement Screen.
– Strength Testing.
– Gait Analysis.

Structured progressive strength training plan:

– Built around results from movement screen and strength testing.
– Enhance running economy, build strength & stability to minimise injury risk and increase            performance.

Weekly 1-2-1 strength training session:

– Implement training plan.
– Regular re-testing to monitor movement and strength progression.

Monthly Soft Tissue Therapy Session:

– Enhance recovery.
– Assess movement and tissue quality.
– Programmed at strategic points of the training program.

16 week Running Training Plan*                                                        *optional, extra £30

– Tailored plan from our partner The Run. Coach to guide progression from start to finish.             Programmed around individual goals.

  • Additional soft tissue therapy sessions 50% off
  • Free Marathon ‘Optimizing Fuel & Recovery’ Book: Learn about nutrition, sleep,

Price: £170pm            (saving greater than £100!)            

PT & Therapy Combo

For the ultimate in fitness and wellbeing you can combine your personal training with sports massage sessions.

This will enable you to train to your fullest and allow your body optimal & regular recovery sessions.

  • 8 PT sessions  + 2 soft tissue therapy sessions – £340 (save £20)
  • 8 PT sessions + 3 soft tissue therapy sessions – £360 (save £40)

Whatever your reasons, pain or performance…

We welcome the chance to help you to reach your goals.